Artist Shout Out: Nick Blinko

Here and there, I’ve been working on some small, simple black and white drawings.

I don’t have an art update ready for tonight, but in effort to keep the inspiration flowing, I’d like to talk about one of the artists out there in the world who creates things that I enjoy.

Keeping with the black and white theme, tonight I’m going to mention Nick Blinko. He is known for being the singer, song writer, and guitar player for the english punk band Rudimentary Peni. What’s really cool is that he created all of the drawings for the band’s album artwork.

Art Samples: I love the subject matter here. Obsessive lines, hands/knives/rats, little winged creatures, detail on everything, the spiraling-in effect…kind of makes me feel haunted after I look at it for a while.

Great hand drawn letters on this album art!

From Wikipedia…

Diagnosed as suffering from Schizoaffective disorder, and in the past hospitalized, Blinko creates his pictures when not taking therapeutic medication that adversely affects his ability to work. His art conjures a nightmarish, anxiety-ridden world where inner demons might be exorcised through repetitive graphic marks. Out of thousands of tiny flecks and dashes emerge elaborate visions of skeletons, mysterious symbols and religious figures.

Another example of this is the Rudimentary Peni concept album:

This entire album was created by Blinko himself while in psychiatric hospital. He believed that he was Pope Adrian the 37th, for this Pope lived in the same town as Blinko many years before.

I just learned that he also published short-story books in the mid 90’s. Which reminds me…I need to add to my bookshelf soon…

This entry was posted in Black Ink, Inspiration, Music, Punk Rock, Unsettling. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Artist Shout Out: Nick Blinko

  1. james says:

    wow… that is pretty sick.

    kinda like Salvador Dali meets Hieronymus Bosch… except.. not… at all.

    I don’t know much about art- or Rudimentary Peni… but i like it.

    • james says:

      oh by the way- if you’re looking to add to your bookshelf or whatever- i just read a great book that is supposedly a classic or whatever- it’s called “Conferedacy of Dunces” and its written by John Kennedy Toole. He was rejected by publishers during his lifetime then killed himself in Mississippi. His mother kept turning in his manuscript and eventually the book was published and Toole ended up winning a post-humous Pullitzer Prize for Fiction.

      • james says:

        also check out “the bell jar” by sylvia plath

        and “WOMEN” by Bukowski.

        two other great books i just recently read.

        • I love both those books, especially the Bell Jar. I actually borrowed Audrey’s copy last year and re-read it (the first time I read it I was a teenager). I can relate to Miss Esther Greenwood. Thank you for the comments 🙂

  2. funny- the copy I read was Audrey’s too… Sylvia Plath amazes me. Maybe the last good woman writer… sure as hell better than Stephanie Meyer and Diablo Cody, all these woman writers now that everyone worships. Art as a medium- whether music, writing, painting, etc. has become commercialized and redundant that there is just no more idea’s and we are pumping out copies of other copies who copied a copy of an original. i don’t know. it’s hard to explain…

    the world sucks.

    but i like your artwork, and I don’t usually like ANY artwork. except Bosch, and some other of that mid-evil shit.

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